Introduction to Digiplaza

4 min readMay 28, 2021

What is Digiplaza?

Digiplaza is the world’s first blockchain project that combines a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and a Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace within the same token-driven ecosystem.

The platform is created to revolutionize the DeFi industry by driving mass adoption and bringing about the proper functionality of DeFi use cases. We are well aware that the Ethereum Blockchain employed by most platforms and protocols is a turn off due to its excessive network fees. In order to combat this specific problem, our platform has been built on the Binance Smart Chain so it can provide accessibility and affordability for anyone that wants to trade their cryptocurrency assets, digital arts and collectables.

The unique mechanism behind our project lets users save on fees for high-volume transactions and easily trade NFTs on the dedicated marketplace.


Digiplaza’s mission is simple but unique. We understand that the potential of DeFi is boundless, so we aim to open it up and maximize value for everyone, from cryptocurrency enthusiasts to traders and even digital artists.

Our users will be able to make use of a DEX that offers asset swaping, liquidity pools and yield farming options as well as a Community-Driven NFT marketplace that has been designed with both the digital creators & collectors in mind.

Digiplaza’s vision is to instill financial confidence in the masses by creating a one-stop-shop for fast, easy, and affordable DeFi use cases that are delivered in an secure, timely, and sustainable way.

Digiplaza features an intuitive protocol, a responsive user interface as well as a self-compliant and smart contract-driven ecosystem. With these features, it will be a core element of the upcoming transition from the conventional swap system and liquidity provision as well as the expensive Ethereum blockchain-based NFT marketplaces.

It’s worth mentioning that the security of our platform and the assets of our users are paramount. This is why we ensured that our smart contract is fully audited by one of the best companies in the industry.

Core Components of the DigiPlaza Ecosystem

DigiplazaSwap (Decentralized Exchange)

A decentralized exchange within the Digiplaza Ecosystem where users can easily access cryptocurrency assets on the Binance Smart Chain and exchange them for any asset of their choice to strengthen their portfolio.

The swap is an AMM and it uses liquidity pools to execute asset swaps. Apart from being a swap, users can also provide liquidity to the pool and earn rewards for doing so.

Digiplaza NFT Marketplace

DigiPlaza is amongst the first few NFT marketplaces built on the Binance Smart Chain. It allows digital art creators to tokenize their work and list the Non-Fungible Tokens up for sale on the platform.

The marketplace links sellers with investors and/or collectors so that seamless transactions can be conducted with significantly lower costs than any other platform out there.

One of the core features of the NFT marketplace and our Smart Contract is that it automatically pays royalty fees to the initial creator every time that specific asset gets resold. For instance, if an NFT is listed with a 10% royalty, the owner will continue to collect 10% of any future transaction.

Why DigiPlaza?

  • Low Fee: DigiPlaza is BSC-based. As such, trading costs are reduced compared to other platforms.
  • Decentralized: The native exchange of the ecosystem is an AMM and unlike centralized exchanges such as Binance or Coinbase, DigiplazaSwap doesn’t hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own crypto.
  • Versatility: Access to a wide range of cryptocurrency assets to choose from when you use DigiPlaza Swap.
  • Experienced Team: The DigiPlaza team has a strong portfolio and they are driven by their focus on the betterment of the blockchain industry. The team consists of blockchain industry professionals, trading and finance experts as well as thought leaders in management and tech.

Key advantages of DigiPlaza over its peers in the industry

  • Price efficiency as data regarding the price of assets are received from a decentralized data oracle
  • Easier access for users
  • Platform speed, flexibility and ease of use
  • Community-based governance


Digplaza is a community-driven project with a focus on improving our use case and the utility of our token to drive further adoption and increase its value.

Upcoming activities and updates about the project will be shared here and on our other official channels. Users are advised to read our whitepaper to have a full grasp of our project and the remarkable features we have in our roadmap.

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